Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Origins of American Exceptionalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Origins of American Exceptionalism - Essay Example There are a number of arguments that have been developed that aims at explaining the history of the exceptionalism in America (Holland 53). Hector, a renowned historian, claims that the idea of exceptionalism in America did not occur because of power that America had. According to his view, America started from a very humble background. He claimed the history of America is very ironic as compared to that of the Europe. He claims that America had no great lords who possess everything, no great manufacturers employing thousands, and no great refinements of luxury. Principally, according to Hector, America did not had the kind of power it possess in the present time. However, because of its spirit of industry and work, America began to expand and grow economically, socially and other aspects of life began improving. According to hector, the phenomenon of exceptionalism came about due to the ability of America to accept the emigrants from other countries. Their elusively commercial habit s seem to divert the pursuit of science, proximity to Europe, literature, and arts, which allows them to neglect these pursuit without even relapsing into barbarism. American education, wants, and everything about him unites in drawing the native of the United States earthward. Farming was the initial economic activity that enabled most of the Americans to develop (Holland 63). Franklin is another great historian who made great effort towards finding out the source or history of exceptionalism. Most of his arguments were because the increase in the population of America is one of the main reasons making an American exceptionalism. He attributed the concept of exceptionalism to the fact that plenty of cheap land encourages people to have children and hence enhances the population of people. Franklin summarizes his argument by concluding that employment and better crop production techniques were some of the main factors that made America reach the current level (Ignatieff 13). He furt her states that there were extra foods that could b used to feed Americans and hence resulting in a strong nation that can rely on its own. Idea of diversification is also another element of exceptionalism. Franklin argues that prospect of good subsistence is another factor that played a role in making America an exceptional state as far as power is concerned. It is clear that most of the arguments made by Franklin are inclined to the means of earning a living. This means that the ability to provide for the children and the family is directly proportional to the power of the America. This is justified by the quote he made that state that America would not improve unless the new comers are more industrious and have mid frugality than the native. This statement means the main source of power in America is the hard work and industrious nature of the American. Unlike Hector, Franklin believed that increase in population compounded by hard work is the main source of exceptionalism (Holla nd 53). Drummer, another historian claims that the principle of exceptionalism can be traced back to the time of charter colonies. the reason why drummer fought for the charter colonies to remain is the fact that this colonies were from New England, which despite the fact that it didn’t produce sugar, it helps other islands that do, and without their assistance they could not make it to produce sufficient quantities and cheap enough to answer the markets in Europe. They was

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