Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Effects of Malnourishment on Children when they Age Term Paper

Effects of Malnourishment on Children when they Age - Term Paper Example It is not starvation or poverty as such. It has got wider meaning than just poverty or starvation. In some occasions, malnutrition also means excess of afore said vitamins and minerals adversely affecting the good health of a person. However, it is the problem of under nutrition that most nations are concerned with. It is the children who mostly fall victims to under nutrition. These children may get food to satisfy their hunger but not inevitably the nutrients and minerals that are necessary for the proper development. It is estimated that more than fifty percent of the child deaths in the developing countries are due to malnutrition. Those who survive end up with life time problems. Similarly, it is wrong to assume that an overweight child is healthy. The fatty foods and chocolate bars one consumes will surely bring him into troubles such as fatness and cholesterol. Children being the future human resource reservoirs of a nation, any government neglecting attention to this, are com promising its own human resource needs of future. For the proper development and functioning of the human body vitamins and minerals are a must. They are unavoidable in the case of children as the momentum of growth is augmented at this age. The deficiency of minerals like calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, zinc and vitamins have their effects always on a growing child. As Scrimshaw (n.d.) points out, calcium is one of the major minerals lacked by children of under developed countries in their diet. It has a good involvement in the healthy development of bones and teeth of young people. The hardness of the bones is due to the presence of adequate calcium elements in the body. Due to the deficiency of calcium a lot of problems may occur to children. The most important among the bone disease caused by calcium deficiency is Osteoporosis that causes fractures in weak bones and makes bones easier to break. When children grow up, they deficiency they had in the childhood will hav e its effects and their bones will likely to be broken at the slightest collision or clash. At the growing age, children are expected to be exuberant and rushing everywhere causing little damage to their own bodies. However, children who suffer from Osteoporosis are not likely to be active and vibrant like normal children and are about to badly harm them if they try to behave like normal children. Another effect of malnourishment on children is their paled color. This paled color of the skin is caused by anemia. Iron deficiency is a major cause of this illness. It is the presence of iron that ensures sufficient number of red blood cells in the human body (Iron-Deficiency Anaemia). The anemia infected children will be fatigue and usually inactive. There may not be sufficient blood circulation in their body to make them energetic. It may also pave way to poisoning and infections and losing immunity power of body or may even cause behavioral problems among children. Children who did no t get adequate magnesium content diet may fall victims to problems like tingling, numbing and hallucination. Being frozen and indulge in day dreaming causing behavioral problems such as being introvert and sensitive. The symptoms of the deficiency of this mineral are fatigue, drowsiness and weakness. Absence of minerals like potassium elements in blood leads to a number of common diseases such as hypertension, osteoporosis and kidney stone. It is potassium that works to regulate blood pressure and muscle contraction. Increasing blood pressure is a sign of lack of potassium in blood.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Costa Coffee Essay Example for Free

Costa Coffee Essay The remote environment comprises factors that originate beyond and usually irrespective and out of Costa Coffees control. Economic factors Since Costa Coffee is a multinational business, top-level managers must consider the economic situations on both the National (Egypt) and International levels. Currencies exchange rate (Forex) affects Costa Coffees final products prices as well as operation costs. Costa Coffee imports high quality coffee beans from rainforest farms where it pays for in local currency, and sells as coffee in another country with its local country. Hence, when the Egyptian Pound depreciates, the cost of beans relatively increases; therefore, causing a fall in profit margin and vice versa. If depreciation is too much, then Costa might increase its selling prices. Moreover, interest rate is vital for a business considering expansion as Costa Coffee. As interest rates increase, Costa Coffee’s ability and willingness to expand or open new branches decreases; due to the high cost of capital. Furthermore, the stock market plays a significant role in encouraging investors to invest in Costa Coffee due to the increasing profits and the good reputation. Finally, high economic growth rate of a country leads people to increase their consumption of Costa Coffees products; since they have more income. Social Factors Egyptians’ culture and lifestyle has dramatically changed in the last 10 years. People are more willing to go to cafes for lunch, dinner or simply a snack. Considering the Egyptian demographics of lifestyle and age groups, most of the Egyptian population falls in the youth age group. Hence, Costa Coffee plays music and offers an atmosphere that is convenient for all ages with special attention to youth. Costa Coffee respects the religion of each nation in which it operates. To clarify, Costa Coffee neither sells alcoholic drinks nor pork-containing food. In addition, Costa Coffees menu is written in both English and Arabic languages. English is the most widely spoken language, and Egypt is known as a touristic attraction. Plus, Egyptians like to come across a menu written in their own language for simplicity and showing cultural respect. Also, many people nowadays are concerned with their health; Costa Coffee is providing low-calorie food, a variety of fresh salads, sandwiches, and fresh fruit juice. Political Factors Governmental rules and regulations could affect the firms suppliers and the price of the raw materials. Imposed taxes or tariffs on the imported coffee beans add to raw materials cost. Rules regarding social insurance add to labor costs. Political instability and strikes do affect labor and consumers of Costa Coffee. Technological Factors Advanced machines affect the firms performance and efficiency through producing tasty coffee as quick as possible. High quality and speed of service affects customer satisfaction and loyalty. Costa Coffee uses highly advanced brewers and coffee makers for the best coffee cup. Besides, the use of the Internet to facilitate transactions between Costa and its suppliers lowers transaction costs and decreases lead time. As a result, stakeholders are more satisfied with increased profits and lower costs. Ecological Factors Costa Coffee uses recyclable paper bags and paper cups. And, it tries to reduce its energy consumption as steps towards a greener environment. It also ensures adherence to responsible farming practices, so that natural habitats are protected thereby reducing deforestation and carbon emissions. Furthermore, Costa is working to deliver green (LEED) certification for new stores beginning later this year and is working closely with its suppliers to develop more environmentally friendly packaging. Industry Environment Operating Environment A firm’s operating environment is related to environmental factors that directly affect the firm and its success in obtaining necessary resources. Yet, they are still factors beyond its area of control. 1. Competitors Costa coffee in Egypt faces high direct competition where around almost every corner in the cities, a coffee shop exists. Therefore, product differentiation is a must, and persistent high-quality is the way to keeping customers. Whichever Costa Coffee shop you enter, you are greeted the same, indulge in the same taste and pay what you see in the menu. Menu prices are tax inclusive which is different than most of other coffee shops. Competitors include, but are not limited to, Starbucks Coffee, Cilantro and Beano’s cafe. Creditors Costa’s past payment records and working capital position are the main attributes affecting creditors decisions. Considering the Egyptian markets, banks are not rare to find. Costa might be dealing with several banks, and may be granted loans from several areas. Hence, creditors have little leverage; since interest rates are controlled by central bank of Egypt as well. Customers Costa coffee is a service firm. Therefore, its utmost goal is customer satisfaction and loyalty to yield profits. Constantly monitoring Egypt’s demographics is essential in keeping a convenient atmosphere. For instance, Costa must always recognise what the youth are listening to these days to be able to play the optimum collection of songs in its branches while abiding by the brand’s image. Accessibility of location and parking spaces are of the main issues regarded by people when deciding on their hang-outs. And, the customer buyer behaviour of whether they prefer more salads and sandwiches rather than desserts; affects how much of each should be available at Costa’s branches. Labor Costa’s reputation and image is kept through its workers. Costa has to respect labor rights especially now that people are more aware of the rights than ever before. Also, Costa has to be selective in its waiters and baristas to keep the brand’s image and reputation. As a result of Costa’s reputation, highly-qualified workers apply for jobs at Costa Coffee. Suppliers Supplier relationships are as important as customer relationships. A good supplier relationships decreases yield time and enhances firm’s productivity. In Costa’s case, supplier power is not high as Costa has multiple suppliers, with low switching costs. However, supplier relationships are well-attended to at Costa Coffee; as part of its social responsibility towards coffee-growing countries.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Comparing the Tragic Hero in Things Fall Apart and Heart of Darkness Es

The Tragic Hero in Things Fall Apart and Heart of Darkness A tragic hero could be considered a "noble person with a fatal flaw" or "an opponent of society who is willing to take action that 'sensible people' might applaud but never perform themselves". In Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart and Joseph Conrads's Heart of Darkness, two characters, Okonkwo and Kurtz, have some qualities which could categorize them as tragic heroes. However, only the reader's interpretation of the characters' actions will determine if they are tragic heroes or not. In his Ibo society, Okonkwo would certainly be considered a "noble person". Not only has he worked his way up from poverty to become one of the leading men of Umuofia, but he has also been deemed one of the greatest warriors and wrestlers in the land. "Okonkwo was well known throughout the nine villages and even beyond. His fame rested on solid personal achievements", (Achebe 3). Due to the exemplary actions, Okonkwo has gained respect from his fellow tribesmen. Okonkwo has also taken two titles in his clan and he is a member of the egwugwu, which demonstrates his leadership capabilities and the power and "nobility" he holds in Umuofia. Despite his skills in those areas, Okonkwo does have a "fatal flaw". "His whole life was dominated by fear, the fear of failure and of weakness", (Achebe 13). Unoka, Okonkwo's father, was considered an "agbala", or a woman, because he was soft and not masculine enough. Okonkwo had also hated his father because he was em- barrassed by him, so his life's passion is to be the polar opposite of him. Due to this fear, Okonkwo held in his emotions and acted hard, which ultimately made him weak, because a s... ...o appears to have more qualities of a tragic hero than Kurtz. Achebe had created Okonkwo with some nobility, and he definitely had a fatal flaw; his fear of weakness ultimately culminated into his death. Also, Okonkwo had opposed the white society and some of his fellow tribesmen. However, his clan did not approve of his final action: suicide. Due to this fact, Okonkwo can never be a true tragic he- ro. Now, Kurtz never was considered to be a noble man by society's standards and he didn't really have a flaw; instead, he had the ability to persuade and manipulate people to his advantage, which would not be a flaw for his sake. Kurtz was a mixed man of society; he opposed some parts while accepting others. Despite this, both characters have exhibited some characteristics of a tragic hero and only the reader's response can determine their roles. Â  

Thursday, October 24, 2019

batch process of wine making Essay -- essays research papers

Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The homemade production of wine is a fun and challenging hobby that many people can enjoy. In this paper the reader will be taken through several different steps and processes that must be accomplished for your wine to be of satisfactory flavor and clarity. Crushing and stemming This first step may be performed by hand or by machine. For handling a ton or more of grapes, use a mechanical crusher-stemmer. Using a small crusher-stemmer, two persons can crush and stem a ton of grapes in about one hour. To collect the crushed grapes, which are also called the must, the machine is placed and supported above a container. A large polyethylene plastic tub or garbage can is sufficient. The important objective is to minimize bitterness by thoroughly crushing the berries without macerating the seeds, and while recovering all of the skins and juice in the must. After stemming and crushing, the fermentors are filled with the must to about two-thirds capacity, to avoid foaming-over during fermentation. After all of the must has been poured into the fermentors and the sulfur dioxide has been added, the fermentors should be covered with cheesecloth or plastic to keep out insects. Temperature, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, and the free and total SO2 of the must in each fermentor should be determined and the results recorded. Adding sulfur dioxide   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a chemical compound that has been used in winemaking for more than a century. Because it is known that wine yeast produce small amounts of SO2 during fermentation, SO2 can be considered a natural constituent of wine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Judicious and moderate use of SO2 has long been recommended. Recent research shows that the best quality wines are made when SO2 has been used both before and after fermentation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For grapes free of mildew, rot, or mold, usually from 50 to 100 parts per million (ppm) is used or about 75 ppm is adequate. This mild antiseptic is commonly used in the form of potassium metabisulfite (K2S2O5), and is available from home wine making suppliers. To obtain 75 ppm of SO2, add  ¼ ounce to each 10 gallons of juice or must. For grapes that have appreciable amounts of moldiness, rot, or broken berries, use twice this amount of SO2. To add SO2, dissolve the metabis... ... examination for desired clarity, smell, and taste. Check the free and total SO2. It is customary to adjust the free SO2 as needed to about 25 to 30 ppm at bottling. This helps to prevent oxidation of the wine after bottling due to dissolved oxygen that may be picked up during bottling.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When selecting bottling devices, it is highly desirable to minimize aeration, which in turn will minimize oxidation of the wine after bottling. This is best achieved using devices that provide for gravity flow of the wine and fill the bottles from the bottom of the storage container. Such bottling devices are often referred to as â€Å"gravity bottom filling†. New wine bottles should be rinsed in hot water to remove dust particles and air dried before use. Conclusion Hopefully after reading this paper, the reader has obtained more insight in creating a homemade wine that everyone can enjoy. The process may seem lengthy, but time is normally essential in the completion of many things. And if your first batch does not come out correct, do not get discouraged. Try again until things get better. Before you know it, you will be able to consider yourself a wine connoisseur. batch process of wine making Essay -- essays research papers Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The homemade production of wine is a fun and challenging hobby that many people can enjoy. In this paper the reader will be taken through several different steps and processes that must be accomplished for your wine to be of satisfactory flavor and clarity. Crushing and stemming This first step may be performed by hand or by machine. For handling a ton or more of grapes, use a mechanical crusher-stemmer. Using a small crusher-stemmer, two persons can crush and stem a ton of grapes in about one hour. To collect the crushed grapes, which are also called the must, the machine is placed and supported above a container. A large polyethylene plastic tub or garbage can is sufficient. The important objective is to minimize bitterness by thoroughly crushing the berries without macerating the seeds, and while recovering all of the skins and juice in the must. After stemming and crushing, the fermentors are filled with the must to about two-thirds capacity, to avoid foaming-over during fermentation. After all of the must has been poured into the fermentors and the sulfur dioxide has been added, the fermentors should be covered with cheesecloth or plastic to keep out insects. Temperature, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, and the free and total SO2 of the must in each fermentor should be determined and the results recorded. Adding sulfur dioxide   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a chemical compound that has been used in winemaking for more than a century. Because it is known that wine yeast produce small amounts of SO2 during fermentation, SO2 can be considered a natural constituent of wine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Judicious and moderate use of SO2 has long been recommended. Recent research shows that the best quality wines are made when SO2 has been used both before and after fermentation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For grapes free of mildew, rot, or mold, usually from 50 to 100 parts per million (ppm) is used or about 75 ppm is adequate. This mild antiseptic is commonly used in the form of potassium metabisulfite (K2S2O5), and is available from home wine making suppliers. To obtain 75 ppm of SO2, add  ¼ ounce to each 10 gallons of juice or must. For grapes that have appreciable amounts of moldiness, rot, or broken berries, use twice this amount of SO2. To add SO2, dissolve the metabis... ... examination for desired clarity, smell, and taste. Check the free and total SO2. It is customary to adjust the free SO2 as needed to about 25 to 30 ppm at bottling. This helps to prevent oxidation of the wine after bottling due to dissolved oxygen that may be picked up during bottling.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When selecting bottling devices, it is highly desirable to minimize aeration, which in turn will minimize oxidation of the wine after bottling. This is best achieved using devices that provide for gravity flow of the wine and fill the bottles from the bottom of the storage container. Such bottling devices are often referred to as â€Å"gravity bottom filling†. New wine bottles should be rinsed in hot water to remove dust particles and air dried before use. Conclusion Hopefully after reading this paper, the reader has obtained more insight in creating a homemade wine that everyone can enjoy. The process may seem lengthy, but time is normally essential in the completion of many things. And if your first batch does not come out correct, do not get discouraged. Try again until things get better. Before you know it, you will be able to consider yourself a wine connoisseur.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Change of Plans

Joey Hildreth Dr. Weston Composition 1 September 12, 2012 A Change of Plans Making a plan to do something is a normal occurrence in human life. People make plans to go see a movie, to go out to dinner, and to hang out with their friends all on a regular basis. Sometimes life can send unexpected events that can change those plans. I am sure this has happened to everyone at least once where things didn’t go exactly the way they had planned. To this day I would consider myself a good driver; however, I recall a driving experience where things did not go quite the way I had planned.I had made plans to go to Cedar Point with a friend, and we were going to meet up with someone we had met the last time we were at Cedar Point. My friend and I had both bought season passes in early June. It was the first summer that I had a car and we figured we could drive to Cedar Point once a month until it closed for the year. We had gone once with my friend’s family in late June, and anothe r time with my parents in late July. In early August we decided that we needed to make another trip up before school started and we would have a schedule to work around.Since there had been no more family trips planned, we were determined to make the drive by ourselves. I must have begged my mom to let me drive without parental supervision at least a thousand times. Only after I had promised her I would be careful, responsible, and follow the speed limit that she even considered it. After that it took many more pleads before she finally gave in. I still remember our conversation when she finally told me we would be allowed to make the trip. â€Å"Fine, but if you want to go you need to have Taylor text me every half hour so I know that you guys are still alright, and you have to call me as soon as you get there.While you’re at Cedar Point, you’ll text me every 2 hours to check in,† she said. â€Å"Alright Mom,† I replied as I hid excitement piling up insi de me. â€Å"I’m not finished yet,† she said and paused for me to pay attention â€Å"and you will leave no later than nine O’clock. If you don’t call or text, you better believe after you get home you won’t have a car either. † Saturday morning I left my house and headed over to Taylor’s to pick him up. It was no surprise to me that I had to wait for him to finish getting ready when I arrived.After the usual groans of â€Å"Come on† and â€Å"You’re a guy, you don’t need make-up, let’s go† we were finally ready to leave. We loaded our things into the car and got ready to take off. I popped in a CD I had burned that consisted of songs I knew well. I pulled out the driveway and drove off down the road; both windows down and the stereo blaring. We were nearing the halfway point when life decided to throw in an unexpected event. I was driving down a country road going 55 when I saw a groundhog crossing the street. He was near the middle of the road when I saw him and I didn’t know what to do.This was no ordinary groundhog, this groundhog was the sizeHe started to run towards the left side of the road, and then he turned around and darted back to my side. I slammed the brakes and swerved to the right. Just before my tires hit the gravel on the side of the road, I felt a slight a bump and heard a deep thud. As I realized I was going to go off-road I quickly turned the wheel to the left to try to correct myself. When I did this, my car fishtailed and threw itself into the ditch. â€Å"Oh my god! Are you alright Tay? † I asked. â€Å"Uh, yeah,† he responded with wide eyes.We both got out of the car to see what the damage was. At first everything seemed fine other than a small crack in my front bumper; until Tay pointed out that I had a flat tire. I called my mom to tell her what happened, and she was not a happy camper. I did not have a spare tire so she told me t hat she would call the American Automobile Association (AAA). Shortly after she called me back and said a tow truck was on the way. Once he arrived he loaded the car onto the tow truck, and I had quite the story to tell him about how life had thrown a change of plans to me.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

10 Pieces of Career Advice No One Tells You

10 Pieces of Career Advice No One Tells You If you’re job searching, you’ve probably heard a ton of advice from well meaning relatives, mentors, and friends. But you probably aren’t getting career advice from superstars- you know those mythical people who do what they love and love what they do and really make an impact in the world? Keeping in mind that not everyone will succeed following the standard cookie-cutter job advice, and that taking a few unconventional risks just might be the smartest move for you, here are a few essential pieces of advice you probably won’t get told, but that maybe you should follow.1. Job requirements are not set in stone.Yeah, yeah. It’s important not to apply to anything for which you are blatantly under- or unqualified. Even so, unless the job is academic, legal, or medical- fields in which hard skills are crucially important- what matters is usually the value you bring to the position and your willingness to hit the ground running. It’s not common to get a hiring manager to look past their checklist of requirements, but with a little ingenuity and pluck, you just might have a shot.2. Embrace imposter syndrome.A combination of control and hard work, the feeling that you’re really good at what you do, and a healthy dose of insecurity might just be the magic potion. If you constantly feel that you’re not good enough at what you do, you’ll only push yourself to do better- and soon outpace everyone who thinks they can just sit back and go through the usual motions.3. Don’t be realistic.The number one thing people are going to tell you is to be realistic. But reality is an illusion. If you dream big and work hard, you can probably accomplish the unrealistic- even the unthinkable.4. Don’t pick based on numbers.So many people are picking careers these days based on average salaries or other employment statistics. Pick what you enjoy doing and strive to work really hard at it. You can make a good living doing almost anything if you seek to work with the top people in the field and match their pace. Picking a boring job you hate just because the numbers say it’s steady? That’s a sure path to burnout or boredom.5. Let your passion develop.Doing what you like doing isn’t the same as slavishly following your passion only. Remember that some of the hardest-core passions develop over time. You could choose a smart career path that you like well enough, but which suits your particular skills and talents, your passion might just grow organically into something that will really set you up.6. Create a position.If your dream job isn’t open- or doesn’t exist- do some homework. Study your industry, research companies you’d like to work for, find your niche and then start pitching yourself. If you can solve a company’s biggest challenges or can figure out a way to show them you’d be indispensable, then you’re well on your way.7. Sta rt at the top.If you just keep sending your resume among the thousands to HR, it might take you ages to get hired. Try getting your materials in the hands of the higher-ups first. Use your network. Call in favors. Be tactful, but get yourself heard by the people who matter most at a company. When in doubt, work the decision-maker’s personal or administrative assistant. Build a relationship there and you’ll find you have a powerful ally.8. Think five years in the future.Don’t just apply to every job that seems like you would like it now. Research the company, ask a few questions, and get a sense of what it’s like to work there. Then think yourself five years into the future. What would you actually be doing at this company or in this field, once you’ve worked up from entry-level? Make decisions based on that five year plan, rather than the any-job-will-do-right-now plan.9. Your boss mattersIt doesn’t matter how great the company is. Your work experience will be dominated by who your boss is. Finding a good mentor you respect is crucial. Pick someone you can learn from, and whose inner circle you would like to aim for.10. You need more than hard skillsWhat gets you a job right out of college, or fresh in a new field, won’t get you promoted to the next level. You’ll need to become savvy at working office politics, at listening, at reading body language, at being an essential team member. You’ll always need to keep your technical skills sharp, but these soft skills are the things that are going to take you furthest in your career.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Danielle Dawkins Essays (1018 words) - Health, Human Weight

Danielle Dawkins Essays (1018 words) - Health, Human Weight Danielle Dawkins 28 November 16 History 2010 Markwell Nashville Nostalgia The Nashville Retrospect dives into nostalgic history by incorporating articles from different newspapers and publication years to create a collage of reminiscence. This series of recollections serve the purpose of transporting a reader back time by highlighting key events in the past. Articles in this newspaper range from frivolous topics and heartfelt letters to important, game-changing events and melancholy occurrences. In this paper, I will select three key articles of different lengths of ideas, and I will analyze them. If there are any commonalities between past events and contemporary happenings, parallels will be drawn. Who knows, perhaps history has repeated itself. This first article is titled "An Abuse" and it is from an antiquated publication named "Nashville Patriot". The title itself is enticing, and the content itself is even more intriguing. The writer seems displeased with how "fast" boys and girls are growing up. ".the most prominent of the latter is the appearance in society of juvenile specimens of humanitywith notions of superiority and importanceboys and girl have disappeared". They call it the "fast age". The author addresses the aging of girls in a manner is eerily similar to how it is addressed nowadays. He or she proclaims that " the school girl is mingled with affectations of a flirt" and that , in result, "naturalness of character is destroyed". It can be implied that the writer believes that girls grow more ignorant of important happenings in their lives and more enamored of "senseless boys". To address the boys, the writer says that they have "blotted" out the word "boy" in terms of innocence. The former "boy" in terms of in nocence. The former "boy" is now recognized as a self-assumed "young gentlemen" with unhealthy, ruinous habits practices such as smoking cigars or chugging down brandy. They believed those two components automatically make them men, when, in reality, it subjects them to continuous rowdiness. The writer concludes their rant by saying that childhood be prolonged rather than "curtailed for the best interests of the individual." Parallels can be draw from the main idea conveyed in this written piece as kids nowadays are growing up rather quickly. Except the culture nowadays is not as conservative and traditional as it was before; therefore, boys and girl aren't as binded as they were before. "How To Put On Weight, If Desired" was an article from the Nashville Banner and it written by a women named Josephine Lowman in early February of the year 1957. She started off her piece by exclaiming that she must "harass" her underweight readers by otherwise giving them tips to help them gain weight. Being curvy was a physical attribute that was desired by many women in the 1950s, when beauty standards were rapidly developing. Lowman went on to give some tips on how her "underweight" readers could attain the perfect hourglass figure. However, her tips are proof that there was a deprivation of valid knowledge, but nevertheless, they were feasible in themselves. For example, she suggested that having five, small, well-balanced meals a day can assist in gaining weight. While a journalist shouldn't suggest gorging down five big macs for sake of healthy arteries, eating small meals throughout the day actually works against weight gain. Contrary to eating three large meals a day, eating small meals allows the digestive system to not feel burdened. Then of course, it all comes down to what the meals consist of. Lowman then suggested that her readers take vitamin B capsules. It was always speculated that vitamin B aids in pound gathering; however, in most cases, vitamin B does not lead to weight gain. Appetite loss is a symptom of vitamin B deficiency; therefore, those who were deficient in it could possibly gain a few pounds. All in all, Lowman had good intentions, but she didn't necessarily supply the right tips. That shouldn't have mattered too much, though, because the beauty standards changed again within three years. All lightheartedness aside, this next article is quite melancholy. "Parley Set on Collapse Cause" was written a couple of days before the previous article, and it hails from the same publication. The article, as one could have guessed, focuses on the

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Evaluate an existing, national marketing campaign Essays

Evaluate an existing, national marketing campaign Essays Evaluate an existing, national marketing campaign Essay Evaluate an existing, national marketing campaign Essay Essay Topic: Marketing The campaign that I have chosen to discuss is the next big hit from the Rockstar series â€Å"Max Payne†. This is the third instalment of the series and it’s set to be bigger and better than its predecessors. The advertising campaign the campaign had budget of just over  £15milion. The game was set to be released on the 15th of May 2012 with the campaign beginning on the 15th of February. It was an international campaign covering most economically developed countries. However though out this report I will be only talking about how it was advertised in the UK. The campaign with a budget of over  £15 million was always going to be huge and with the UK being one of their main focuses not a penny less than necessary was spent. The promotional mix consisted of Cinema adverts, bus shelters, billboards as well as TV and Newspapers. The Cinema advert used the soundtrack Tears by Health. The advert was the centre of the campaign as this would be seen by the majority of people and has the possibility of making the biggest impression upon the viewer. The billboards as seen in the top right corner were also very important. Rockstar used many designs for their billboards and could be seen in all the big cities around the UK with many in Southampton, Liverpool and London. Bus shelters were used especially in smaller towns. For example in Farnborough the main bus route had a Max Payne poster on all their stops. This means that the campaign was very large giving the game a much better chance of receiving high numbers of sales. The Target audience for this advert would of course be the same as to which the game was made. This being a third person shooter game containing drugs, sex and violence would be aimed at teenagers and young adults. The gender this game would mainly appeal to is male. Therefore the games advertising campaign would be very masculine and of a nature that suits young adults. For example the billboard seen above is very aggressive with big bold font and a bit of action as well. In the Max Payne campaign they would be very specific with the jargon used making sure it appeals to the target audience. An example of this would be â€Å"Rockstar Games Presents†. This is used in the adverts and billboards because it is something that people can represent and associate themselves with. For example if people have brought Rockstar games before then they will know what they are like and if they have a high opinion then they may be more likely to by the game being launched. Other jargon such as â€Å"from the makers of Red Dead Redemption† also has this effect as well as also allowing people who don’t know Rockstar but instead know the game. The livery used in this campaign is also very affective as mentioned earlier the billboard pictured above uses big font that stand out. The colour is white which makes it very clear on the background. It could also represent how Max Payne being a hard down by victim losing his son and wife is pure at heart. The image in the background is also very important as it shows who Max Payne is so people can associate the character created with the game. It also has a very realistic feel to the billboard. It appears to almost be a billboard for a film. This represents that the game will have a very realistic approach/feel to its game play. The objective of Rockstar is to create a brand in which people can associate with the best of gaming. The campaign definitely try’s to create this image. For example in the TV advert they use very powerful imagery of game play to show of the amazing affects alongside deep moments in the story to engage the audience and draw them in. As already mentioned the campaign has an almost movie like feel to it creating a very realistic game that attracts the target audience. Overall I think the campaign is very effective as it is very appealing to its target audience which I can agree because of being who the game is aimed at. The realistic approach makes it seem like the game would be very real which not ever playing it I cant agree with. However on reading reviews it has very high praise. The livery and the jargon used within the promotional mix are also in my opinion very effective. In conclusion a highly successful campaign especially as it currently stand 2nd in the UK sales chart.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Field Trip Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Field Trip - Essay Example It plays an important part in the conservation of the Indian tiger. Open from the middle of November till mid of June, visitors can stay at Dhikala, which is located inside the Corbett National Park. Jeeps can be hired from Ramnagar, which travel to the Park and Dhikala. Buses also travel to Dhikala from the Ramnagar station. Alternately the route from Delhi - Moradabad, through Kashipur and finally Ramnagar, Corbett can be taken. The estimated distance is 280km, and the journey approximately takes 7 hours. [Jim Corbett National Park, 2002]. The reserve encompasses a total area of 1318.54 sq km. The area is divided into the Jim Corbett National Park, which constitutes about 520 sq km of the core area. The buffer region, covering 797.72 sq km of the total area is the reserve forest region. Elephant Safaris are the best way to explore the huge area of the reserve. Jim Corbett tiger reserve and National park geologically falls in the Outer and Shivalik foothills of the Himalayas. The park was known as the Ramganga National Park, after the tributary of Ganga that flows through the reserve from East till West, post India's independence in 1947. It was renamed as Jim Corbett National Park in 1956, to commemorate the memory of Jim Corbett. The "Project Tiger," conservation project to save the Indian Tiger and its habitat, was launched in 1973 from this park. The special attract Project Tiger The special attraction of the park is the Bengal Tiger, which is an endangered species. In fact the name of the park - Corbett, is after the famous hunter and naturalist Jim Corbett, who was known for the initiatives he took to save the tiger from extinction. "Project Tiger" was started with support from the World Wide Fund for Nature by Indian conservationist. The main objective was to protect the tiger from extinction. Corbett with its thick forest cover and plenty of "food" for the tigers - the number of animal species present and also replenished by the Ramganga acted as an apt destination for a natural habitat of the endangered species. [Riley 208] Geology The Chinji Stage and Kamlial Stage are the two types of geological formations that can be found in the Jim Corbett National Park. Red and maroon shades sandstones, sandstones of grey, purple and grey hues comprise the geological formations of the Park. The Chinji stage that characterizes the uppermost stage of the lower Siwalik geological formations consists of bright colored sandstones. The sandstones of the area are characterized by intercalations of siltstones. Geologists have estimated these to date back to the Miocene (varying between upper and mid) age. [Negi 50 - 51] The Garhwal group's lowermost formation is Rudraprayag. Black and grey colored slates and cherts; grey quartzite; compact, medium grained, grayish white and white quartzite comprise the Rudraprayag formation. Over the Rudraprayag formations are the Lameri formation. Divided into Lameri A, Lameri B and Lameri C these are mainly dolomite bands, slates and phyllites.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Read this stories and pull out imporatant 3 qoutes from each story Essay

Read this stories and pull out imporatant 3 qoutes from each story (6qoute) - Essay Example As a cripple, I swagger†. (p 1) â€Å"I wake up in the morning feeling the way most people do at the end of a bad day, and I take it from there. As a result, I spend a lot of time in extremis and, impatient with limitation, I tend to ignore my fatigue until my body breaks down in some way and forces rest. Then I miss picnics, dinner parties, poetry readings, the brief visits of old friends from out of town. The offspring of a puritanical tradition of exceptional venerability, I cannot view these lapses without shame. My life often seems a series of small failures to do as I ought†. (p 2) â€Å"A friend who also has MS startled me once by asking, "Do you ever say to yourself, Why me, Lord?" "No, Michael, I dont," I told him, "because whenever I try, the only response I can think of is Why not?" If I could make a cosmic deal, whom would I put in my place? What in my life would I give up in exchange for sound limbs and a thrilling rush of energy? No one. Nothing. I might as well do the job myself. Now that Im getting the hang of it†. (p 8) â€Å"It was at that moment I realized the deceit I had been living under. Children growing up in the American Southwest, drinking contaminated milk from contaminated cows, even from the contaminated breasts of their mothers, my mother--members, years later, of the Clan of one-Breasted Women†. (p 2) â€Å"But one by one, I watched the women in my family die common, heroic deaths. We sat in waiting rooms hoping for good news, always receiving the bad. I cared for them, bathed their scarred bodies, and kept their secrets. I watched beautiful women become bald as cisplatin, Cytoxan, and Adriamycin were injected into their veins. I held their foreheads as they vomited green-black bile and I shot them with morphine when the pain became inhuman. In the end, I witnessed their last peaceful breaths, becoming a midwife to the rebirth of their souls.

W2 BA541 Disc Identifying Customers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

W2 BA541 Disc Identifying Customers - Essay Example As such, the organization could be interpreted as more market-driven, rather than customer-oriented (Peppers & Rogers, 2010). In contrast, Johnson and Johnson’s credo is simply stated as â€Å"the values that guide our decision making are spelled out in Our Credo. Put simply, Our Credo challenges us to put the needs and well-being of the people we serve first† (Johnson and Johnson, 2014). Obviously, this organization is customer-driven. The effect is therefore manifested in terms of one’s trust and commitment to patronize the products of Johnson and Johnson’s more through being ensured that they put me first in their commitment of service. As such, even though these organizations are considered large in scale and their volume of customers (according to products and geographic location), both Unilever and Johnson and Johnson could manage their data according to products and even, geographic location across different countries; yet, much market research could have been undertaken by Johnson and Johnson to ensure that the needs, drives, and demands of the customers are taken into consideration during product development, launching, marketing, and sustaining continued patronage, in a longer time

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Summary of Shane Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Summary of Shane - Essay Example Initially Shane appears to be strange and dangerous to the narrator Bob Starett. When he appears in the city, he wears a â€Å"black hat, boots and a belt†. His dress was a bit different from the rest of the people. Shane’s dresses, composed face and mighty stature are strange enough to grow Bob Starett’s curiosity and fear. Yet Shane is not dangerous. Rather he proves to be helpful to the Starett family, as Joe Starett comments in this regard, â€Å"He's dangerous alright. But not to us, my dear†¦In fact, I don't think you ever had a safer man in your house.† (Schaeffer 23) Indeed Shane possesses a sense of respect for himself and for others. Because of this sense of self-respect and respect for others, he appears to be lovable to the Staretts. He is a hardworking man who will prove his worth by helping the family in need. He is supposed to find a man’s self-respect and value in works. He stays on Joe’s farm with a view to helping him i n the oncoming winter. He decides to help Joe because he finds that Joe needs not only help in his farm-works but also protection from other farmers who are trying occupying his land. Thus Shane involves into conflict with Fletcher an aggressive rancher who wants to buy Joe’s land in order to expand his ranch. One day, Shane goes to the town-market to repair their pitchfork. On the way, he meets Chris, one of Fletcher’s men, who attempts to provoke Shane to fight. But Shane remains as calm and cool as possible. He makes fun of how the poor farmers like Shane drink Soda and Shane smells like a pig. From that day, they become a laughing stock around the town. Joe and other farmers who refuse to sell their lands to Fletcher are being taunted by Fletcher’s people. Then, with a view to amend the situation, Shane reaches the town market into town and finds out Chris who invites him to a bar fight and gets beaten severely by Shane. Thus Shane becomes an indispensable p art of Joe’s survival struggle by his manliness and courage to confront injustice. Joe and Shane together wither anything wrong –the weeds, the large stump, Fletcher’s greed, etc- from Joe’s land. Obviously the aura of strength, honesty and courage that surround Shane influences Bobby’s psychological growth. Even before reaching their house along with the homesteader, Bobby grows a strong relationship with Shane. He becomes fascinated by Shane’s strong stature, the way he rode on his horse, the courage Shane shows while facing injustice, etc. He finds Shane a role model, of whom every action can inspire him. Shane also shows respect to the young boy. He tried to guide him about how to survive in a world which is full of adversaries. For Bob, Shane is not only a protector and a defense of the weak against the injustice, but also an experienced teacher who opens up the world of experience to the innocent boy. In this regard the narrator commen ts: â€Å"He was a man like father in whom a boy could believe in the simple knowing that what was beyond comprehension was still clean and solid and right† (Schaeffer 79). Bob takes him both as a man and a hero. Despite the heroic aura, Shane establishes himself as a usual man who can grow relationships with other men. Throughout the progress of the novel Bon learns that Shane is the man whom he should follow. Indeed Bob’s growth to maturity is greatly influenced by Shane and his father Joe. In fact, Shane’

PCR pratical Write-up Journal style.(VIROLOGY) Lab Report

PCR pratical Write-up Journal style.(VIROLOGY) - Lab Report Example However, no viral DNA was detected in MRC5 cell line. In conclusion, PCR is an effective tool for the detection of viral genome in infected host cells. Conventional laboratory methods of identifying disease-causing pathogens often involve morphological characterization and antigen detection (Lee et al., 2009; Nitzan et al., 2009; Cicek et al., 2007). However, the traditional morphological examination which relies heavily on culture techniques, presents a serious laggard, on top of contamination problems (Candrian 1995). The emergence of molecular diagnostic tools have circumvented and altered the limitations brought about by the conventional diagnostic techniques (Lion et al., 2006). Specifically, genome-based techniques are increasingly becoming popular due to their high specificity and sensitivity. One tool that has revolutionized the field of clinical diagnostics is polymerase chain reaction (PCR), an enzymatic procedure which amplifies a specific fragment of DNA or RNA (Lion et al., 2006). Since PCR makes use of nucleic acids to detect the presence of organisms, it is extremely useful in the identification of notoriously difficult-to-detect pathogens like viruses. It has been established that human papilloma virus (HPV) infection is a necessary precursor for the onset of cervical cancer (Stanley 2010). In fact, approximately 90% of cervical cancer cases can be accounted for by HPV types 16 and 18. Since HPV infection is very common with a lifetime risk of infection of 50-80%, its accurate diagnosis is very crucial (Stanley 2010). . The purpose of this experiment is to detect the presence of viral genome using polymerase chain reaction. Specifically, the experiment seeks to compare the genomic DNA extracted from HeLa cells, a cervical cancer cell line and MRC5 cells derived from a 14-week old fetal lung tissue in order to confirm that HeLa cells contain human papilloma virus (HPV) 18 DNA. The HeLa

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Summary of Shane Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Summary of Shane - Essay Example Initially Shane appears to be strange and dangerous to the narrator Bob Starett. When he appears in the city, he wears a â€Å"black hat, boots and a belt†. His dress was a bit different from the rest of the people. Shane’s dresses, composed face and mighty stature are strange enough to grow Bob Starett’s curiosity and fear. Yet Shane is not dangerous. Rather he proves to be helpful to the Starett family, as Joe Starett comments in this regard, â€Å"He's dangerous alright. But not to us, my dear†¦In fact, I don't think you ever had a safer man in your house.† (Schaeffer 23) Indeed Shane possesses a sense of respect for himself and for others. Because of this sense of self-respect and respect for others, he appears to be lovable to the Staretts. He is a hardworking man who will prove his worth by helping the family in need. He is supposed to find a man’s self-respect and value in works. He stays on Joe’s farm with a view to helping him i n the oncoming winter. He decides to help Joe because he finds that Joe needs not only help in his farm-works but also protection from other farmers who are trying occupying his land. Thus Shane involves into conflict with Fletcher an aggressive rancher who wants to buy Joe’s land in order to expand his ranch. One day, Shane goes to the town-market to repair their pitchfork. On the way, he meets Chris, one of Fletcher’s men, who attempts to provoke Shane to fight. But Shane remains as calm and cool as possible. He makes fun of how the poor farmers like Shane drink Soda and Shane smells like a pig. From that day, they become a laughing stock around the town. Joe and other farmers who refuse to sell their lands to Fletcher are being taunted by Fletcher’s people. Then, with a view to amend the situation, Shane reaches the town market into town and finds out Chris who invites him to a bar fight and gets beaten severely by Shane. Thus Shane becomes an indispensable p art of Joe’s survival struggle by his manliness and courage to confront injustice. Joe and Shane together wither anything wrong –the weeds, the large stump, Fletcher’s greed, etc- from Joe’s land. Obviously the aura of strength, honesty and courage that surround Shane influences Bobby’s psychological growth. Even before reaching their house along with the homesteader, Bobby grows a strong relationship with Shane. He becomes fascinated by Shane’s strong stature, the way he rode on his horse, the courage Shane shows while facing injustice, etc. He finds Shane a role model, of whom every action can inspire him. Shane also shows respect to the young boy. He tried to guide him about how to survive in a world which is full of adversaries. For Bob, Shane is not only a protector and a defense of the weak against the injustice, but also an experienced teacher who opens up the world of experience to the innocent boy. In this regard the narrator commen ts: â€Å"He was a man like father in whom a boy could believe in the simple knowing that what was beyond comprehension was still clean and solid and right† (Schaeffer 79). Bob takes him both as a man and a hero. Despite the heroic aura, Shane establishes himself as a usual man who can grow relationships with other men. Throughout the progress of the novel Bon learns that Shane is the man whom he should follow. Indeed Bob’s growth to maturity is greatly influenced by Shane and his father Joe. In fact, Shane’

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Ford Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ford - Research Paper Example The company is deeply concerned about the community within its business operation. Ford motor company operates in many parts of the world. For example, in Australia the company developed a program that provides support to the community within their plants. Community support and corporate initiatives have been Ford Motor Company responsibility since its inception after 1903. The founder of the company, Hendry Ford supported employees working for his company by providing educational support; he did this by building schools. Additionally, the founder believed and supported environmental sustainability. The founder’s legacy has been taken over by the company (Corporate Social Responsibility, n.d.). General Motors is the main competitor of Ford Motor Company in the U.S. General Motors is the biggest manufacturer of trucks and cars. Well known brands for General Motors are Chevrolet, Cadillac, Buick, Opel, Daewoo and Holden. The company has both local and international operations. However, Ford Motor Company has recently gained more market shares in the U.S. The increase in market share was attributed to consumer preference of their fuel efficient engines. Some of the vehicles of Ford Motor Company in the U.S. that boosted its market share are Fusion, Escape and F-series. Additionally, Ford Motor Company performance currently is well, this evidenced from its rise in New York Stock Exchange by 3%. However, its major rival is down by 16%. The main problem of GM currently is the recalls the company made because of defective ignition switches (Blanc, 2014). Ford is faced with serious competition internationally from Toyota, Nissan, General Motors, Honda and Chrysler. The fact is that, most of the competitors’ brands are cheaper and fuel efficient than Ford Motor Company brands. However, recently, the company showed improvement internationally with an international operation contributing to 35% to stock prices (Trefis Team 2010). Ford Motor Company depends on

The Lord Of The Flies Chapter 5 Review Essay Example for Free

The Lord Of The Flies Chapter 5 Review Essay In chapter 5 Ralph says, Things are breaking up. (Page 102). Having read the whole novel, comment on whether you think that things will continue to break up on the island. Explain your answer in detail, using quotes where appropriate. The plane crash that starts Goldings novel is hardly a good omen, and things continue to deteriorate throughout the story. Ralphs realisation in chapter five that Things are breaking up, (pg 102) is a perfect summary of what has started to happen, but at this point he has no idea of how bad things will get. The first time we meet Jack; he is portrayed as being in almost complete darkness (pg 27). This suggests there is a side to his personality that is far from pure, while the first time we are introduced to Piggy and Ralph, they strip off and go swimming. This suggests innocence and light, a far cry from Jack and the choirboys looming darkness. The first indication we receive that things are breaking up is in chapter two, at the assembly. Ralph is talking about how there will need to be rules and order, when Jack interrupts with All the same you need an army. (Pg 43) After this, it is decided that the choir will be this army- the clear beginning of the degradation of Jack and the choirboys from angels to torturing hunters. Another key event that happens in this meeting is the conch being chosen to signify a persons right to talk. This is the only rule that exists at the moment, and it is already broken before the end of the meeting, when all the boys follow Jack off to make a fire: Jack clamoured among them, the conch forgotten. (Pg 49) It becomes very clear that all is not well on the island when a littlun tells the assembly of a beastie that lives on the island. Ralph desperately tries to reassure the children: But there isnt a beastie! (Pg 47), while Jack unsettles them by talk of hunting and death: If there was a snake wed hunt and kill it. When Golding points out that Ralph Felt himself facing something ungraspable, (pg 48) he is subtlely stating that the so-called beastie is not some terrible creature, but evil beginning to surface in the boys. This emergence of evil marks the beginning of the island, the boys and their microcosm breaking up. When building the fire, Jack and Piggy argue about whether Piggy helped at all. When Piggy points out that he has the conch, Jack snaps with The conch doesnt count on top of the mountain. Here Jack is finding ways to detach himself from the rule and order of the conch, and succeeding. The first death in the book is when the boy with the mulberry birthmark disappears and is killed in the forest fire. This is due to the hunters lack of responsibility and letting the fire get out of control. In chapter three, it becomes apparent that the boys are undergoing a change for the worse. They have now reverted to the rhythm of nature, rather than civilised time, and they become much more savage in that they are now able to kill. The group is not working together, and so their society is breaking off into smaller groups. On page 64, Ralph complains to Jack that no one is helping he and Simon build the shelters: they (the littluns) keep running off. The hunters were also away from the main group, on another unsuccessful hunt. Jack then loses his temper, and his evil is clearly referenced. In this chapter, a definite rift has begun to appear between Ralph and Jack, an event pointed out on page 70: the shouting and splashing and laughing was only just sufficient to bring them together again. The only character who does not seem to be breaking up is Simon. He is the silent, solid listener of the boys island society. His truthfulness and clarity of thinking, as well as his peaceful behaviour, sets Simon apart from the group of savages. They think he is weird which makes him an outcast from the group. At the end of chapter three he wanders off to be solitary and peaceful. Here, he begins be aware of the decline that is occurring, with increasing velocity, in the social structure and peaceful beauty of the island. He is one of the few, perhaps the only person in the group, with the capability to understand the danger in such degeneration. Simons realisation that all is not what it seems happens on page 66: As if this wasnt a good island. The very title of chapter four, painted faces and long hair suggests the breaking up of the island society as the boys regress to savagery. There is a pause however, a reminder that the boys old morals have not gone completely when Roger is unable to throw a rock directly at Henry. The taboos of old life (Pg 78) prevented him from doing so. Also in chapter four, Ralph spots smoke on the horizon whilst bathing. However, the hunters had let the fire go out and no smoke was spotted: The fire was smokeless and dead, the watchers were gone (Pg 85). When the hunters return, they have killed a pig and are too excited about this act of savagery to worry about the most important thing (in theory) on the island. This event marks a change in the group, Ralph especially: they let the bloody fire out. This is the first time we see Ralph lose his temper. The pig is then roasted, and a ritualistic dance takes place. The hunters chant, kill the pig, cut her throat, bash her in. This is a primitive and savage thing to do. Chapter five really reinforces the changes the island, social structure and indeed the boys are going through. Ralph says, in an assembly, how they do not gather water anymore, or use their designated bathrooms. This debate eventually turns to rules. Jack points out that if Ralph cannot hunt or song (in other words act as a savage), then does he have the right to be chief? More arguing ensues, and The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away. (Pg 113). The meeting is in absolute disorder, and now it is obvious that Ralphs statement that things are breaking up was absolutely true. Because there is now nothing to stop the group of boys (or savages) from fragmenting and degenerating, things will now continue to break up until the end of the novel. Chapter six starts in darkness. This is the point where the dead parachutist makes his entry into the story. The parachutists introduction shows that not all contact with the outside world is lost, but the only sign is a dead, rotting man killed in war: But a sign came down from the world of grown-ups, though at the time there was no child awake to read it. (Pg 118) This is an answer to Ralphs desperate cry at the end of chapter five, although not at all what he had wanted, or expected. While Sam and Eric are tending to the fire, they see the eerie silhouette of the parachutist flapping about in the breeze and immediately perceive it as a physical form of the beast. They run back to Ralph and Piggy, and tell of the events that have just taken place at an early morning assembly: Ralph pointed fearfully at Erics face, which was striped with scars where the bushes had torn him How did you do that? Eric felt his face. The other boys automatically think that the beast had attacked them, but this time there is no one comforting the littluns and saying that there is no beast. At this, Jack proposes to hunt the beast and his true feelings come through: Sucks to the littluns! We dont need the conch anymore. (Page 125) Here, Jack has abandoned any trace of order that there once was, and is only interested in hunting. Jack leads the boys to castle rock, the only place that nobody had explored. Ralph walked in the rear, thankful to have escaped responsibility (Pg 128). This shows that leadership is taking its toll on Ralph, and that he is now perhaps not as good a leader as he was at the beginning. Jack and the hunters, once at castle rock, get very excited about the place and say it would be good for a fort. Ralph then spoils their fun and Jack leads the group back to the shelter. During chapter seven, Ralph joins the hunt. He becomes very involved, both in the actual hunt and the ritual dance that follows. He succumbs to the urge to hurt, in just the same way as the savage hunters. Ralph too was fighting to get near The desire to squeeze and hurt was over-mastering. (Pg 142) They become so absorbed into the dance that they do not notice that they are hurting Robert. After this dance, Golding describes the deteriorating landscape of the island, mirroring the boys degeneration. Ralph, Jack and Roger then go up the mountain to look for the beast. In chapter eight, Gift for the darkness, a number of objects have now become taboo, for instance the beast and, in the case of Piggy, Jack. The boys express their fear for things by not naming them. Without realising it, they are actually increasing their fear by not facing up to it. Jack becomes much more violent, and his possessiveness and longing for leadership is at its strongest: Hands up, said Jack strongly, whoever wants Ralph not to be chief. (Pg 157) Jack then goes off and decides to make a camp of his own, but he calls it a tribe (which is showing obvious savagery). The savages who had once belonged to the choir went with him, an eerie parody of the once angelic group. Jacks tribe go on a hunt, and catch a pig. After this death, they joyfully cover themselves in the pigs blood. The act of killing marks a milestone in that the boys have reached a very primitive level of living. Later, Jack and his gang raid Ralphs encampment. They steal a burning log for their own fire and Jack invites all the boys to come join his tribe at the feast they are to have that night. As the savages leave, Ralph comments about how he wishes he could have fun too, but still the fire is more important to him. Back at the clearing Simon is having a discussion with the pigs head that the hunters had put on a stick. This discussion is probably mostly in Simons head, but Golding uses this interview as an eerie way to unveil the theme of the novel. Golding now refers to the fly-covered pigs head as the Lord of the Flies. The Lord of the Flies asks Simon if hes afraid of him. It says: I am the Beast Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill! You knew, didnt you? Im part of you! (Pg 177) The Beast then warns Simon not to tell anyone the truth, otherwise he will be killed. He decides not to heed this advice, and at the end of chapter nine Simon comes running out of the jungle. He shouts and screams that the beast is only a dead man, but the savages do not listen. Simon is murdered in the ritual dance, the very final step to savagery. The tribe, after this, find no problem in stealing Piggys glasses. By this time, the conch has gone from pink to white. It has faded, and so has its power and rule over the group. When it is smashed in chapter 11, this marks the end of all rules and morals the boys might still have traces of. Piggy is killed in chapter 11, when roger pushes him off the cliff with a boulder. The boys are eventually rescued in the middle of savagely smoking Ralph out of the forest. If they had not broken up so much as to set the forest on fire, they would never have been rescued so it might be said that it is a good thing that the boys degenerated so much as to set a forest alight. However, the naval officer who rescues them takes them off to his ship, which is probably engaged in war itself. So when the boys leave the island, they have escaped the evil of the tribe, but not of man itself.

Monday, October 14, 2019

A Pestel Analysis On Tour Operators Tourism Essay

A Pestel Analysis On Tour Operators Tourism Essay With the following information I have been asked to examine You are an established Tour Operator offering worldwide, long haul programmes that feature Africa, The Caribbean, Dubai, The Far East and North America. Each programme uses a variety of methods of transportation, With air being the principle method. You also use local rail and ferry connections and coaches are used extensively for both touring and transfers. It is an accepted fact that major accidents and incidents can occur during the operation of a programme. Task 1 Describe the major accidents and incidents that could occur throughout the duration of the programme described above. Task 2 Produce a detailed and systematic Emergency Plan that can be put into action to deal with any major accident and/or emergency. Notes You should produce one generic plan that is capable of being implemented for all situations. Do not produce separate plans for each of the accidents and incidents identified in Task 1 above. Your plan must be comprehensive and include contact and staffingrequirements, in addition to the actual plan of action. Table of Contents Page no. Introduction à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦., 04 Porters Five Forces Model à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.., 05 Selecting an Organization à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦., 08 Application of Porters Five Forces Model to a selected organization à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦., 08 Additional theories which develop Porters idea à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦., 11 Conclusionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦., 17 Referencesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦., 18 INTRODUCTION WHAT IS TOURISM AND TOUR OPERATION According to the World Tourism Organization Tourism can define as The Activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes Tourism is the temporary movement of people to destinations outside their normal places of work and residence, the activities undertaken during their stay in those destinations, and the facilities created to cater to their needs (Mathieson Wall, 1982, p.1) Tourism has not been defined universally because it is hard to define if tourism is an industry and what factors make a person traveling a tourist. All tourism involves travel, yet not all travel is tourism (Mill Morrison, 2002, p. 1). What this is saying that you need to go somewhere to be a tourist yet you can go somewhere and not be a tourist, simply by visiting family. Travel refers to the act of moving outside of ones usual environment for business or pleasure Tourism industry can divide into 3 main categories. These categories are depending on the type of the travel. Domestic tourism When People travel within their own country come under this section Incoming or inbound tourism When people entering the country in question from the home country, this is a type of international tourism Outbound tourism When people travel away from their home country As we discussed earlier there are some main requirements that a traveler seeks when travelling takes place. Some of them are -Accommodation -Travelling Assistant -Information Assistant In order to assist with the travel arrangements, specialized travel services providers comes in to action. They are called tour operators, a tour operator typically combines tour and travel components to create a holiday package for a individual or for group of people. Sometimes there is confusion over the difference in functions of tour operators and travel agents. Tour operators are the organizers and providers of package holidays.   Who  makes contracts with hoteliers, airlines and ground transport companies then finally print brochures and advertise the holidays that they have assembled. Travl Agency Cultural Sites Natural Sites Destinations Cultural/Social Events Ground Operators Ground Transport Resturant Transport to/From Destination Accomodation Tour OperatorTravel agents give advice, sell and administer the bookings for number of tour operators. As by definition, tour operators design packages, maintains the relationship between the other parties. Consumer The Package holidays offered may cover a wide range of destinations, both national and international, and can cover a variety of holidays, such as cruises, adventure, touring, winter and summer destinations. Task 1 Describe the major accidents and incidents that could occur throughout the duration of the programme described above. Tourist destination is the most important component in a tour package. This helps tour operator to attract tourist for their packages. Following are some of main tourist destinations tour operators use to attract tourist for their tour packages Activities in tour packages. Based on the type and the requirement of the consumer tour operator creates a packages. If the tour pacakage is based on adventure tourism it will mainly consist of activity based tour itinerary. These activities are based on the tourist location they visit. As an example tour package in Africa includes a safari tour, in Dubai shopping and also safaris in deserts etc. Following are some of main activities that include in a tour package. These activities can be change by demand of travel group. And also it is tour operators responsibility to arrange these activities with safety measures. Safari tour Surfing Rafting Horse riding Hiking Nature walks Hot air balloon Helicopter tours Bridge jumping Diving Whale watching Cruising Historical Places Visit Group Events in hotel Shopping Cultural event Boat Riding Another adventure events Tourism and Transportation Transportation is the method using for travel one place to another. Travelling is main part of any kind of tourism. No tourism take place without considering about transportation. There are four main transportation methods used when it comes to travel and tourism, they are air, road, sea and railway. Most of tour operators used following methods of transportation heavily for their travel arrangements. Air :- Aviation This is the most common method use for transportation within the tourism industry. This can be divide in two ways. International and domestic travel. Tour operators get this service through the travel agents. Ground:- Coaches and Rail These are the two methods tour operators used to travel tourist in the ground. Most tour operators manage their own coaches services with well manage staff. If not they get the service from travel agents. Depend on the size of the group coaches can be varied. Railway is mainly managed by rail companies. They provide scheduled service within the home country. Tour operators may reserve seats for tourist group and use this service. Sea :- Ships, Ferry This is the transport method heavily used when people travel in the water. Ships and Ferries provide link between group of islands, or islands and a larger land mass. Tour operators get the service through the cruise or ferry operators for their packages. 5.Accidents in tourism An accident is a specific, unexpected, unusual and unintended external action which occurs in a particular time and place, with no apparent and deliberate cause but with marked effects. It implies a generally negative outcome which may have been avoided or prevented had circumstances leading up to the accident been recognized, and acted upon, prior to its occurrence.(Wikipidea ) As described above even in tourism there is a big possibility to take place an accident during the tour programme program. Following are some major accident that could happen in the tourism industry. These accident can be divided in to several section depend on the accident type and location it happens. Accident Due to Natural phenomena Its a common fact that natural phenomena cause huge accident and damages to tourism industry. As an example Tsunami in 2004 December results number of deaths in the coastal area including tourist who were there at the time when it happened. Following are some of natural phenomena identified around the world Earthquakes Flood Landslides Erosion Fire Storms Accident in the Transportation When tour operators creating packages as described above they use various method of transportation to travel tourist. Following are some accidents that can tale place while transporting passengers, Air accidents Sea accidents Rail accidents Road accidents Accidents due to Activities As we described in this article travelers are participating various kind of activities in the event. Due to these activities traveler can face to these type of accidents. Animal Attacks Pool Accident Beach accident Falling down Overturn Boat Biological Also there can be certain incedents that a traveler may face with following types of accidents, Communicable diseases Food hygiene Illness Accident made by man In a destination there can be sudden attracts or picketing that a traveler might face in to, some of them are Political Reasons Incident investigations Terrorist attacks Tour operator goes bankruptcy Common Accident Apart from all other following accident can happen to anyone including tourist at any time in anywhere, Meat with a robbery Lost in the way Result of accident Accident always brings up the bad result. Following are some of results can occur due to an accidents in the middle of travel package. Dead of one or more in a travel group Injured of one or more in a travel group Trip Cancellation Group stuck in a location Illness of one or more group members Delay from a schedule time Economy problem of group members Lost baggage. Task 2 Produce a detailed and systematic Emergency Plan that can be put into action to deal with any major accident and/or emergency. As describe in above accidents are unpredictable and can occur anywhere at any time of the day. Since there are many great risks involved in tourism accidents it is commonly understood there should be proper measures take before those types of incidents take place. By which will ease the situation and avoid the panic among others. Planning for Accident It is tour operators responsibility to give safety for their travelers till the end of their journey. Using good plan to response for accident can prevent or minimize risk for travelers. In this section we are talking about how to create a common plan to face above mention accidents. An emergency plan it can be divided in to three main section. Identifying the main accident and develop a action plan for those accidents Give necessary training for the staff and information to travelers. Implement the plan and monitor the progress Identifying the main accident and develop an action plan for those accidents In this step tour organizations must try to identify and narrow down what are the possible accident that can take place in a destination and how to develop an action plan for those. Priorities for the action plan can be changed depend on the tourist destination. As an example tour operator must give enough measures for accident related to animal attacks, communicable disease or food hygiene on trip in Africa but less in Dubai. As we design a common plan for all of those identified potential incidents we need to bring forward the most suitable emergency plan that covers most of the accidents that can happen in destination. Following are the main points that need to be considered to complete in this step. The outcome for each point can be changed according to the destination. Point 1:- appoint a person who can be in charge when accident occurs. Every tour operator must have one or several people in charge to manage an event of emergency. Each group or individual must have a responsible person to lead them, in this case basically a guide can be used to do both guiding, that is part of the service a tour operator provide and in an accident to act as a trained helper by giving proper prior training to him/her Point 2 :-appoint a member or members from staff to response when accident occurs One or more members must be included in the response team. Each of them must be given different tasks, response team must consist of following members to support in the event of emergency Communication This members responsibility is inform the head of the team first and then if required to travelers if emergency occurs Supportive This member responsibility is to check equipment, records and other thing are safe and in order. Fist aid support This one is responsible for first aid support to travelers in the event of emergency. Tour operators must identify or train current staff before members select team or appointing them to act in an accident Point 3 :-Information is very important for every emergency plan. There for following information must include in the emergency plan. These details can be changed depending on the tour destination. Emergency assembly sites When an event of accident tour operator must provide separate safe site to assemble for the travelers. As an example if the hotel met with fire put travelers to another hotel. Evacuation route Always must have a backup route to travel for destination. Then travelers can avoid a place where possible to meet with accidents. As a example avoid flood areas. Staff contact details Every action plan must have contact details of every member in the response team as well as the important numbers of tour operator company staff. Emergency contact numbers In this section must have the numbers we can get help from in the event of emergency. As an example Police, Fire Department, Hospitals Warning message receivers In this section we are keeping a person or an organization where we can get further information regarding events of an accident or situation. As an example contact details of whether department, local police station. Point 4 :- To reduce the impact of an accident tour operators must provide sufficient equipment to travelers. In this point emergency plan list down the equipment needed for a emergency First aid kit Fire distinguish Life jackets When first step is completed tour operator must come up with basic plan to meet up with the accidents. It will list down all the actions and details that they must be prepared for in an event of an accident. Following table show a sample of the outcome of first point. Using this information tour operators can minimize or prevent the effect of accident to travelers. This emergency plan must be given and communicated well with every tour guide who coordinates the travel group. No Consider Point Action or Name 1 Head of responsible Person 2 Appoint members who can act wise in an accident Communication Support First Aid 3 Information Emergency assembly sites Evacuation route Staff contact details Emergency contact numbers Warning message receivers 4 Equipment First aid kit Fire distinguish Life Jackets Give necessary training for staff and information for travelersStaff. Even though tour operator makes a good emergency plan they need to involve the two parties that face the real situation. Those are staff and travelers. In this step main consideration is how to train the staff to face for accident situation and provide necessary information and assistance to the travelers. Staff Training When it comes to staff training company must decide what kind of training is needed. Also company need to decide who, where and when these training to be conducted. Following are some of the trainings that members of the emergency plan must undergo to act wise and confidently in an emergency. Basic training Every staff in the organization must have an idea about emergency procedure within the organization. In this training all the staff will be trained about current emergency procedure in the organization. Following are some sections that are need to cover in this training Information handling Evacuation practice Basic first aid training Specialist training When selecting staff for the team, like first aid, communication, etc they need separate specialist training in those fields. Information to Clients Before the tour starts tour operator must give information to travelers how to act when an emergency. Following are some important information that can provide to the travelers. Where is evacuation Places To whom they must inform when an emergency, like fire, illness, suspicions act. Also the contact details of staff in charge Where are the equipment to use when an event of emergency Apart from that it always good to display these information where ever possible to see to both staff and travelers. Company can use following methods to display information Handouts Display Boards Operation Manual Implementing and monitoring the plan After above preparation tour operator must put this plan in to practice. Even through act perfectly right in company create emergency plan, does not entirely mean everything will work without any problems according to plan when in real situation. However it will help people in charge to practice and memories the things they need to do in an situation all though it always create problems when put these plan into practice. So tour operator must monitor the plan regularly and do the necessary changes to the plan. As an example if new evacuation point is created those details must update in to the plan or a member of an emergency plan leaves the operator new one should be appointed accurately. Anyhow creating an emergency plan that will be perfect for all incidents is like a never ending loop. It always goes in a circle. If there is something new or someone new comes in we need to change the plan accordingly that mean we cannot create emergency plan once and for all and use it, we need to keep on adding changes and monitor it constantly to make it accurate and effective. By implementing this kind of method can have a most reliable emergency plan for the operator. Training/ Information to staff and client Implement and Monitoring Plan Making Emegency Plan for Accident CONCLUSION Accidents in tourism is never a new or surprising thing to anybody, although accidents are common in this sector as many other sectors, tour operators must take enough precautions to minimize the impact of the accident as it will destroy the business they are involved and as well as the future of the industry, there for it is very vital to identify accidents that can occur during a tour programme and take appropriate steps to minimize these accidents and impact on those to the consumers, one generic way is to plan and implement emergency plan that covers most of the accidents and incidents that can take place while at a tour. For this, it is very important tour operator provides relevant training to the staff who are in and provide accurate information, facilities and support to minimize the impact on an accident to both consumers and to the industry itself.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Fossil Fuels: Our Societys Dependency :: essays research papers

Fossil Fuels: Our Society's Dependency Our society has become dependent on fossil fuels for energy. That seems fine for now considering the fact that everyone is generally happy in the present situation. Fossil fuels are relatively inexpensive and seem to be doing the trick right now. Using fossil fuels arise such issues as global warming, rising costs of scarce resources, and shortages of raw materials. None of these problems will draw full attention until the demand is needed, it's the old supply and demand scenario. Although my opinion may seem pessimistic if you look at past events it points to the supply and demand scenario.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During World War II rubber supplies were cut off to the western world and we began to work on a compound that was a synthetic rubber. We succeeded in supplying the demand and now that same synthetic compound is used today. My theory is that the same thing will happen with such things as plastic, which is made from fossil fuels. Someone will either come up with a synthetic plastic or come up with something to substitute for plastic. The person who comes up with the solution will become and instant millionaire and everyone will be happy. There is one draw back of this way of solving problems, I mean sure it's great to wait until the demand but we should still learn from our mistakes. We should learn to plan ahead and see what the consequences could possibly be.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We still have other demands to meet, there are three major demands of fossil fuels and they are heating, transportation, and industry. Although transportation is taken care of, we may not like the thought of a solar car or an electric car but there are solutions out there. Frankly the oil companies don't want to lose their monopoly in the transportation industry and that brings us into the whole economy issue. If we run out of fossil fuels what will happen to the economy? Will it suffer? These are just a few questions that are asked everyday, but for now we are just going to look at solutions for demands on fossil fuels. This chart below illustrates the demands and the possible solutions. Energy Demand Alternative Energy Sources and Practices heating - solar heating, heat pumps, geothermal energy, biomass gas, and electrical from hydro and nuclear plants transportation - alcohol/gasohol and hydrogen fuels, and electric vehicles - mass transit, bicycles, and walking - solar energy, nuclear energy, and hydroelectricity - improved efficiency and waste heat recovery In conclusion I don't think the need for a substitute for fossil fuels will

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Satire in the Eighteenth Century Essay -- Literature Essays Literary C

Satire in the Eighteenth Century      Ã‚  Ã‚   New ideas, original thoughts, and fresh interpretations characterized the spirit of the eighteenth century. Science was flourishing, and therefore it brought new discoveries that challenged the traditional dominating force of religion.   Influential figures of the age, such as Voltaire, Jonathan Swift, and William Hogarth, strove to assure human betterment and advance human thinking through truth and humorous criticism.   They employed the use of satire in order to accomplish their common goal.    According to A Handbook of Literary Terms, satire is defined as "a work or manner that blends a censorious attitude with humor or wit for improving human institutions or humanity" (Harmon and Holman 461).   The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics further asserts that satire is "both a mode of discourse or vision that asserts polemical or critical outlook, and also a specific literary genre, embodying that mode in either prose or verse" (Preminger and Brogan 1114).   In essence, satire emerges as a device to successfully diagnose human faults and offer a cure for society.    Satire often includes abuse, sarcasm, irony, mockery, exaggeration, and understatements.   Arguably Voltaire's most famous work, Candide presents a string of characters laced in exaggeration.   For example, the Baron's lady was not only a large presence, but she weighed a striking three hundred and fifty pounds.   Furthermore, the Baron's castle was considered a monument of prestige, "for his house had a door and several windows and his hall was actually draped in tapestry" (Voltaire 19).   It is apparent that the use of the hyperbole, among other elements, played a crucial role in the potency of satir... and improves judgment: he that rectifies the public taste is a public benefactor" (Preminger and Brogan 1115).   The eighteenth century was a time of transformation, in which society was in constant evolution.   The progress of the age was delivered to the common person's doorstep through literature and art and reached the common person's understanding through satire.   Hence, satire was both a furious weapon and a common medium that was utilized by the thinkers of the eighteenth century to promote the Enlightenment.      Works Cited "Art of William Hogarth". 7 July 2000. Harmon, William and C. Hugh Holman.   A Handbook of Literary Terms.   New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1992. Preminger, Alex and T.V.F. Brogan, ed. The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics.   New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1993. "Swift Biography".   8 July 2000.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Nursing and Student

INTRODUCTION The aims of the assignment is to examine how the reflective account or our experience of facilitating learning opportunities assessing and teaching a student will help the future development with in the mentor or practice teacher role. In order to achieve this teaching session, educational theories. The formulation of a lesson plan wills be included focusing on my objectives rational for my action. In assessment session a brief Introduction will be given on relevant theories, concepts and principles of assessment in practice with further discussion of the assessment process. Assessing a student in clinical area will take place.Effectiveness of my mentoring will be critically analysed and skills in teaching and assessing will be reflected up on evaluation of developing my mentorship role will be discussed, highlighting any changes that can be made to my practice to improve mentorship. It has now mandatory requirement that qualified nurses and midwives becomes mentors affe ct one year of registration and practice (N. M. C 2008). Mentors play a vital role in supporting, teaching and assessing students in practice Quinn (2007) define a mentor as someone who experienced, and many cases more senior than the learner, and who provide support, encouragement, and guidance.PART II : ROLE AS A MENTAR An N. M. C. 2008 mentor is registrant who following successful completion of an N. M. C approved mentor preparation programme. According to N. M. C mentor should exclusive the knowledge, skills and competence are required to meet the defined outcome. Mentors are responsible and accountable for organizing and co-ordinating students learning activities in practice (N. M. C 2008). Mentor need to supervising students in learning situations and providing them with constructive feed back on their achievements. Mentor should assess the total performance including skills, attitudes and behaviours.The fitness for practice and purpose report of the U. K. C. C. post Commissio n Development Group 2001 looked at the competencies of newly qualified Nurses. They concluded that the mentor was to be responsible to contribute constructively to the learning environment for the evidence progress of student, be approachable and supportive to gain confidence of the students have knowledge of assessment tools to assess the competence in order to ensure patient safety, be competent to share knowledge of patient care, make time for interviews to discuss the specific requirements of the student.Provide time for reflection and encourage enquiry based learning. As per N. M. C 2008 there is a developmental frame work to support learning and assessment in practice. There are 8 dominants in the frame work. It includes: 1Establishing effective working relationship 2Facilitation of learning 3Assessment and accountability 4Evaluation of learning 5Creating an environment for teaching 6Evidence based practice 7Leadership As per N. M. C standard Student need to spend minimum 40% of the time with their mentor.As a role as mentor, their knowledge, skills and competency need to update ongoing basis. Each mentors as reviewed every 3 years to ensure that only those who continue to meet the mental requirements. Remain on the local register mentor at least two student with due regard with in 3 years period participate annual updating. Duffy states that N. M. C. Standard for the preparation of mentors provides a tool for preparation but it is the mentor knowledge, skills, ineffectively arrying out their role that protect the public by ensuring that students who are lacking incompetence do not progress to become registered nurse or midwives. The reality of being a mentor is that as per R. C. N tool kit for Nurses 2007 all mentors supporting students, gain registration, have responsibility to ensure that they are fit. Mentor should be prepared to assess student performance in practice and will be accountable for their decision to pass, refer or fail a student. N. M.C recognise that failing student may be difficult and that all assessment decision must be evidence based, mentor should recognise various assessment†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦that direct care, simulation, OSCES and other†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Common criteria for sign off mentor, the N. M. C states Registrant who makes judgement about whether a student has achieved the required standards of proficiency for safe and effective practise must be on the same part or sub part of the register as that which the student is intending to enter. Only sing off mentors and practise teachers that are the same part of the register and the same field of practise.May confirm to N. M. C that student have met relevant standards of proficiency for the particular programme leading to registration. Signing off proficiency must be assessed by all existing sign-off mentor at least 3 occasions. The role of mentor on the preparation of practitioners who are fit for practice is paramount. However mentor need to be supported in her demanding role (Glyniscells pellet 2006). Mentors in the study identified constraints on their role owing to staff shortage, busy clinical work atmosphere, too many students.This result in lack of time to spend with students and left mentor feeling guilty. Kathleen Duffy (2004) identified some mentors failed to fail students early on their programme, pick things up later. Nurse mentors are faced with many difficulties in fulfilling the dual role of facilitator and assessor (Sharples Ketal 2007) ASSESSMENT Assessment defined as the measurement of candidate’s level of competence in theoretical and practical Nursing Skills (Brooker 2001, as cited in Howard and Eaton, 2003, page 46).Assessment in clinical practice ensures safety and competent standard of practice. Assessment is a critical element of the mentoring process, as Duffy (2204) explains mentors must ensure that assessment of clinical skills does occur as required. Many mentors have been passing students who should have failed in the hope that they will improve later although they are aware that this puts patients at risk. Kathleen Duffy was commissioned by the N. M. C to investigate the reasons for this.The four main issue is that emerged in her report of January 2003 included the mentor leaving the indication to the student about their problem for too late in their placement, the mentor having difficulty to take action during their placement because such action could eventually cause critical consequences to the student, the mentor having to face the challenge of a weak student because Nursing is viewed as a caring profession and such action would be uncaring and lack of adequate time for assessors in the clinical environment to work with students (Fraser et al 1998), lack of support for the mentor from lecturers when faced with a fail situation (Sharp 2000). Stuart (2007 page 1) defined assessment as the judgement of performance during clinical practice and any other ways of measuring profession al learning. There are 3 methods of assessment. They are Continuous Assessment, Formative Assessment and Summative assessment. Continues assessment provides a measure of how the student is progressing according to the level and knowledge expected at each stage of their training (R. C. N 2007).The assessment consists of formative and summative dimensions, the later being as all the outputs from the student in the clinical area are observed, providing opportunities for Nursing Practice to be explored and not missed. Gibbs (1998) suggests that assessment should be continues as they are more authentic. Formative assessment occurs throughout the placement and during learning activities using feedback and feed forward and can determine whether re-explanation, arrangement of further practice or moving to the next level is required. Summative assessment normally takes place at the end of the placement and focuses on how much students have learned and have the learning outcomes been met. It does judge achievement of the specified competencies for the student to progress in training.The formative and summative assessment are reliant on each other as Formative Assessment provides a facilitating process which guides and increases learning and serves to give a series assessments whereby a summative assessment can be made. Regardless of the type of assessment, employed every effective assessment must meet the four cardinal criteria. Which are Validity, Reliability, Discrimination and Utility (M. Quinn 2007). Dogra and Wass (2006) note any assessment of clinical performance need to accommodate the diversity of patients and their needs. So performance is judged in terms of cultural sensitivity. A mentor has an important part to play in the assessment of practical work, as well as providing education, role modelling and direct feed back (Nicklin & Ken worthy 2000).We assess the knowledge of the students and how competent they are (what) (In the case of the student nurse, how c ompetent she is in administering oral drugs). The staff nurse achieved this by asking the questions set out in the lesson plan (appendix 4) and evaluating the return demonstration. We assess because (why) we need to test the progress of the student, provide feedback to learners leading to future improvement and demonstrate to students that they have attained a goal or acquired a new skill (Cox & Harper 2000). In this situation, the staff nurse assessed (How) the skills and competency of the student through questioning and observing the return demonstration.As part of the preparation for the role of the mentor, the assessment of the student nurse related to the practical procedure of drug administration began prior to the procedure itself. The student mentor assisted the learner previously with information about other topics and skills in the clinical environment which helps her to reduce assessment stress as the learner was comfortable due to previous interactions as predicted by Ca lnan, 1983. In addition to this, to ensure that all relevant issues were covered, the mentor observed the student throughout the lesson by using a performance checklist as stated by Quinn, 2000 (p. 231) which was designed to identify the knowledge, skills and attitude required for efficient performance.The mentor also communicated clearly and assertively, which helps to interact in a more effective way (Wondrak, 1998). He gave verbal guidance to the learner and informed the student, prior to approaching the ward area that feed back would be presented in the privacy of the office to avoid embarrassment and promote confidence and discussion between the two. When I assessed my student the assessment tool choose to use observation and the use of checklist. Questioning, an important part of the assessing was aided by blooms classification system which enabled the student mentor to ask questions at different intellectual levels to determine the level of knowledge of the student. The learn er received ample time to answer the questions to her full potential.To facilitate self reflection, the staff nurse encouraged the student to discuss (Muijs & Reynolds, 2005) upon her own performance and the students realised how the assessment enhanced here knowledge. A mentor is also provided with the privilege to provide feed back targeting the improvement of the student. The staff nurse chose to give constructive feed back where criticism follows praise and then ends with a positive note which is hoped to give the student adequate confidence to deal with more negative aspects of his/her performance (Neary, 2000). The assessing section of the teaching session proved comparatively easier. I used Blooms Classification system to formulate questions at different intellectual levels in order to understand extend of the student knowledge.The practical demonstration was easy to assess as the checklist provided the exact actions that I should be looking for an assessing. I felt confident while assessing the student and observed every step he took carefully. Assessing is something that I thought it is always done automatically rather than theoretically and methodically it was quite interesting to relate it to theory. My assessor was pleased with my performance and advised me to keep it up. I think my confidence in the subject influenced the student to learn more from me as the image presented through usually givers other a good impression. If a situation arises again I would try my best to keep up my good performance. I feel that the improvement I could make realise on time.I should probably try to make the session longer so that the student has enough and more time to understand, improve, reflect and perfect. It would also help me to build up a better support with the student. This session provided me enough confidence. TEACHING Professional teaching in Nursing, Midwifery and Specialist Community Public Health Nursing, teaching is an International Enterprise that a ims to facilitate learning. It is characterised by an acceptance of responsibility for facilitating other people’s learning by means of planned and purposeful educational interventions (Quinn 2007 p. 183). Teaching can either be formal or informal. Formal is normally pre-planned whereas informal teaching tends to be spontaneous (Hinchiff 2004).For effective teaching to be carried out, it is important to understand the process of learning. Reece & Walker (2000) defines learning as a relatively permanent change. There are different learning theories associated with teaching, firstly, behaviourism, this theory is based on stimulus and response Pavlow (1936 – 1949) among other physiologist experimented on this theory. The humanist theory is however linked to feelings and experience. Maslow (1971) defines this theory as motivation and hierarchy of needs. Meaning the student must identify what he or she wants to learn. Lastly, the cognitive theory, this theory involves think ing and the mind.According Hinchiff (2004) suggest that some key elements are essential in creating a good environment for the student, which are approachable staff, welcoming confident enough to share knowledge supportive, helpful, available and contactable and knowledgeable. Teaching session was carried out to prepare staff nurse to be a mentor oral drug administration was the topic chosen for this session. The rationale for this decision is the fact it is an integral part of a patients care. I notice that numerous management students have been failing their drug assessment test. There are two management students in our ward, next week they have a drug exam. I choose this topic to try to create a difference to these unfortunate occurrences.Knowles indicate that adults are self directed and expect to take responsibility for decisions motivated about by the identification of humanistic needs (Knowles 1985). My students are adult and thus I chose andragogy to teach my students. Andra gogy is defined as the art and science of helping adults to learn. In contrast pedagogy, which can be defined as the art and science of teaching children (Knowles 1973)? According to Knowles 1990, andragogy is where a student controlled approach is employed and thus enhance the students self concept, promotes autonomy, self direction and critical thinking. While encouraging reflection on experience and involves student in the diagnosis, planning, enacting and allows the student to evaluate his or her own learning needs (Knowles 1990).On other hand, Pedagogy implies that learning occurs as a result of the input of others, the student – teacher relationship is unequal – student’s look-up to their teacher, teaching methods is teacher-led and the teacher accepts responsibility for the students learning (Hinchiff 2004 p. 69). The session took place in the staff room at the acute respiratory unit on Tuesday afternoon at 16. 30 hrs commenced after coffee break. The tim e chooses as there would be less activity compared to morning time. The rationale for this decision was to maximize concentration by the student and me (Gibbs 1998). The room was calm and quiet and devoid of any disturbance. It was also well ventilated, spacious and bright which ensured comfort for everyone in to the room. The atmosphere was positive for learning. The session was well planned and the room was arranged beforehand to produce the best possible learning atmosphere.The student mentor prepared handouts for the students prior to the teaching session in order to provide record of what had to be taught (Hinchiff 2004). The mentor prepared a lesson plan before the lesson, thus ensuring that everything was prepared; she made SMART aims and objectives (Hinchiff 2004) to reach perfectionism. British National Formulary was used to teach the student where to look for information pertaining to groups of drugs. The domains of learning described in Booms Taxonomy were used for the se ssion. In Bloom’s Taxonomy, the Domains of learning include Cognitive, the Psychomotor and the affective (Bloom 1972). I started the session by introducing myself and my assessor to the students. In addition I explained the aims and objectives of the lesson.Then I asked some few question regarding the drug administration (Cox & Harper 2000) to understand the scope of the student’s previous knowledge us it. The staff used Bloom’s Taxonomy of educational objectives (1956) to formulate questions at different intellectual levels (Bloom 1956) in the session. Staff Nurse described the N. M. C. guidelines and Whippscross Policy of oral drug administration. The Staff Nurse used a drug chart and explained to the student how to read it, explained the important document features to ensure safety. At the end of session the staff nurse demonstrate to the student the administration of oral drugs. The mentor followed the step by step policies of the N. H. S. efore and after th e administration of the drug while explaining the rationale for each action. After her demonstration, he asked the student for a return demonstration to facilitate evaluation. Finally, a short feed back session was held in the office and the student was provided with the opportunity to clarify her queries. The staff nurse began with positive feed back and then moved on to negative and constructive feed back. Ultimately the student asked to complete questionnaire to evaluate the session (see appendix 3). After the session, my assessor and myself sat down to reflect on the session. He gave me aspiring feedback about the session. ReflectionReflection is a process of reviewing an experience of practice in order to describe, analyse, evaluate and to inform learning about practice (Reid 1993). Reflection enables the practitioner to explore, understand and develop meaning, and also highlights contradictions between theory and practice (Johns 1995). Reflection can be two categories namely r eflection on action, which involves looking back at events that have occurred and reflection in action, which involves learning as it happens and adapting to new situations (Bulman & Schutz 2004). Baud et al (1998) defined reflection as an active process of exploration and discovery which often lead to much unexpected outcomes.Reflection helps to create an environment where professionals are helped to analyse and review their practice, thus enabling the professional to work in a more responsive, creative and untimely more effective manner (Redmond 2004). Reflection has been analysed by many and models have been designed to facilitate reflection. I choose the model, Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle (1998) to help me reflect on my session. I incorporated it into the teaching and assessing of my lesson for a methodical approach. Reflection is said to encourage practitioners to challenge the way they think, feel and believe (Burnard 1989). Reflecting on an experience is a highly skilled a ctivity, it requires an ability to analyse action to make judgements regarding their effectiveness in particular situations.Clearly, Boyd & Fales see self awareness and learning from experience as the key features of reflection. In Reflection, I felt that , humanistic approach was effective as it helped to make the student felt good about her. Contrary to my early fears, the students appeared to be confident about what she needed to know and asked questions accordingly. I would use pictorial demonstrations because this would have reduced the number of doubts that the students presented as many areas would have been self explanatory. Conclusion To develop the role of the mentor, I have made some recommendations. Staffs needs to be encouraged the student to teaching is a part of their role and need to be enthusiastic about this.Attending regular mentorship updates in order to provide relevant, evidenced based information and keep abreast of developments in students teaching may motiva te them and enhance professional development. A regular informal meeting at L. S. B. U between students and mentors to identify problems that arise and act accordingly. This would give both parties the opportunity to discuss what is expected and reduce barriers in the learning /teaching role and may improve the working relationship between mentors and students. Regular audit which are useful in identifying strength and weakness for teaching in the clinical area and all staff are to take part, they should be informed of date and time of audit and have the opportunity to participate in the ward evaluation. In conclusion becoming a mentor is one of the difficult roles of the nurse.It is a very big and serious responsibility because it is in the hands of a mentor to shape the development of the potentials and skills of the students. It is not just teaching a student, what he or she knows, it is about making sure that students will be knowledgeable and competent, enough to practice as a Professional Nurse in the future. Mentors are essential part of the Nursing Students and prepare the next generations to inherit our jobs and further improvement. To let students achieve their maximum potential, supportive and experienced mentors are required. An incompetent and different mentor could impair the students motivation to learn and thus create choose in the future.The N. M. C guidelines state that mentors are essential, however I am afraid they have left out the fact that enough time is also required to maintain the high standards set. This would ensure that students stretch their abilities to the maximum and that mentors are able to reflect upon their experiences and thus improve and perfect themselves to become much more experienced and competent. 10th December, 2008 To, Pauline Mills, Dear Madam, Please find enclosed herewith my mentorship essay preparation. Kindly check and re-correct the essay and return it at your earliest. Thanking you, Yours truly, SARAMMA KORUL LA Encl: Mentorship Essay (p. 1 -11)